Piloting has never been so easy!

z0 Gravity is a co-creation software that brings together all players and professions around one or more projects.

the Collectivite Batiment the Collectivite Batiment_mobile

Suitable for all

With z0 Gravity, you can finally bring together all the departments that make up your structure in a single project!

The tool is so flexible that it can be adapted to all departments: HR, Communications, Technical Services, Culture and Events, Children and Youth...

outil gestion projet collectivité outil gestion projet collectivité
over lay


Indicators, planning, budget (investment, operating, PPI), geolocation, visuals, video, documents, risk management...

With z0 Gravity, all your tools are brought together on a single platform to guarantee the success of your projects within your local authority, public institution or administration!

outil gestion projet collectivité
outil gestion projet collectivité

At a glance,

follow the progress of your projects in real time, thanks to your dashboard!

Offers and approach

z0 Gravity is the project portfolio management solution you've been waiting for. And since change management is also our business, we can train you, and even support you in your strategic thinking on the subject!

3 offers are available :

picture depicting 3 proposals


The proper solution

We tailor the z0 Gravity solution to your needs and your working environment.

picture depicting 3 proposals


The proper solution



In addition to the proper solution, we'll train you on z0 Gravity to match your objectives.

picture depicting 3 proposals


The proper solution





In addition to the proper solution and training, we'll support you over time with workshops and updates.

4 more reasons to
take the next big step...

4 raisons de plus pour vous faire chavirer...


Compatible with tablet, PC, smartphone

4 raisons de plus pour vous faire chavirer...

Without installation

z0 Gravity integrates with your business applications

4 raisons de plus pour vous faire chavirer...


A single application that keeps costs down

4 raisons de plus pour vous faire chavirer...


Our management tool is Made in France


Contact us so that we can discuss your desire to bring agility to your business!

Organize a presentation